Crowchild Trail Short-Term borgata sportsbook review
Location: Calgary, AB
The Crowchild Trail Short Term Improvements project involved the retrofitting of four bridges, realignment of traffic movements and upgrades to ancillary roads along a 2.1km corridor into downtown Calgary. Work spanned over 17 lanes of live traffic across four collector roadways, major recreational pathways, the Bow River, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) main line tracks, Calgary Light Rail Transit (LRT) line, and was in close proximity to local businesses. Retrofitting of the main bridges included widening to facilitate the addition of a new traffic lane both northbound and southbound on Crowchild Trail. This involved the borgata sportsbook review of new substructure piers, jacketing and widening of existing abutments and piers, as well as the demolition and rehabilitation of the bridges. Superstructure widening required the installation of new girders and casting of a new deck surface.
Ancillary work included as part of the project were road demolition and removals, road realignments including subgrade borgata sportsbook review, underground removals and installation, and streetlighting and borgata sportsbook review of numerous retaining walls. Over 573,000 person-hours were spent on the project with no lost time incidents. Operational lanes were opened a full four weeks ahead of schedule.
Contract Value
Prime Consultant
ISL Engineering
Project Owner
City of Calgary
Contract Format
Stipulated Price
Completion Date
September 2020
Contract Duration
35 months