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Location: Lumsden, SK

The project consisted of one new main lift station and associated gravity sewer and force main extensions with a new treatment facility. The new facility not only increased the sewage treatment capacity, but also addressed environmental impact, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

The head work building was coupled to the new treatment building by installing 200 meters of new 250mm diameter force main. The headworks building work included 6 mm spiral screen, Vortex grit removal c/w grit borgata promo codedewatering with associated mechanical and electrical systems. The treatment building included work not limited to; two-train Sequencing Batch Reactors complete with decanter boxes and utility water pumps, ultraviolet disinfection system, sludge holding tank and associated mixing system, aerobic/anoxic sludge digester and associated mixing system, thickener and associated feed system, centrifuge and associated feed system, chemical feed systems, effluent outfall piping, odour control equipment and site works including access road and water main extension, borgata casino bonus codedecommissioned existing lift station and build new lift station on the same site.

Contract Value


Prime Consultant

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Project Owner

Town of Lumsden

Contract Format

Stipulated Price

Completion Date

May 2021

Contract Duration

25 months